
“It's a lot easier to be lost than found. It's the reason we're always searching and rarely discovered--so many locks not enough keys.”
-Sarah Dessen

"Happiness doesn't come from doing what you like, but rather, loving what you do."
-Becca & Scott (JC & AC)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Meaning of Words

"Half of the world of is composed of those who have something to say, but can't; and the other half is of those who have nothing to say but keep on saying it." (Robert Frost)
There must be millions. Tens of millions of people that hold their voice inside of them. They have ideas that can change their community, their nation, our world.  These are the people that can impact, inspire, spark a revolution in the being of our people. But they are held back by the cage that entraps their expression, the wall too high for them to climb, or from fear of being put down by negativity. There must be another million people, the exact opposite of these.  Tens of millions of people that don't hold back.  Does that mean though, that they really have something to say? We as a community have to question whether or not our "leaders" of today really have ideas that can positively influence  us as a whole.
"Half of the world is composed of those who have something to say, but can't; and the other half is of those who have nothing to say but keep on saying it."
As many if not all of Robert Frost's pieces do, this particular quote from him left me thinking. Hard. I came to the conclusion that I agree with his statement… I just think that there should be additional information. Robert Frost first states "half of the world is composed of those who have something to say, but can't," and I completely agree.  He then says, "and the other half is of those who have nothing to say but keep on saying it," and I also agree here. Where is it then that I put up an argument? To be honest, I don't know. All I know is that while some people in this world are fighting the urge to speak, and others are repetitively stating their knowledge of nothingness, there are people who do have a voice, and put it to good use. They take a group of people with a common goal and help them to achieve or to move them towards that goal. Who are these people? Leaders. True leaders. While half of the world is fighting the urge to speak, and other half is repetitively stating their knowledge of nothingness, there is a small handful of people beyond the two halves, beyond the separation.
"Half of the world is composed of those who have something to say, but can't; and the other half is of those who have nothing to say but keep on saying it."
I distinctly remember a few summers ago, when I went to my first year at WASC leadership camp. So many new, exciting emotions, so many new experiences just waiting to be found, and so many new faces just waiting to build into everlasting friendships. I particularly recall doing a project-- having to make up a school and a flag for the school. It was interesting to see all of the different personalities in people as they shared (or didn't share,) ideas with the group.  Some people would keep stating their ideas over and over and over, while others didn't even want to speak. Eventually, our leader, Scott, stopped us and told us to look at how well we were really communicating in that situation. We all realized then that we should all get the chance to speak. We started a system where one person would start sharing their ideas, and when they were done, call on someone to share theirs, even if they didn't particularly want to be called on.  It was very fascinating to find that some of the best ideas came from those people that really didn't want to speak in front of the group. It just goes to show that true geniuses can come from even the shiest of people.
"Half of the world is composed of those who have something to say, but can't; and the other half is of those who have nothing to say but keep on saying it."


  1. If I had to score myself for this piece, it would probably be close to a 10.

  2. Like all of your other pieces... I love it! The only part that maybe shouldn't have made the "final cut", is the middle paragraph where you state that you have an argument yet at the same time you don't. I know that you were supposed to say whether or not you agree with the quote, but I'm pretty sure the instructors wanted reasoning for it. Not just "I don't know". Sorry if that's harsh! Yours is better than mine! Mine is unorganized and sloppy :/ Wish we were in the same class!!

  3. See, I somewhat disagree with the quote... I just don't know if it is considered a disagreement... :D
