
“It's a lot easier to be lost than found. It's the reason we're always searching and rarely discovered--so many locks not enough keys.”
-Sarah Dessen

"Happiness doesn't come from doing what you like, but rather, loving what you do."
-Becca & Scott (JC & AC)

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Author's Note: I started writing this creative piece, and I didn't know where to go from here! I figured to just post it on my blog and have all of my amazing peers give me feedback and ideas for me to continue this story.
Merriam Webster's definition of photograph "A picture or likeliness obtained by photography." What a picture really is; A moment in life, a person, so dear to you and near to your heart that time froze,  the world stopped,  and life stared you straight in the eye. Everyone has the photograph whether portrayed for the world to see, creased in your back pocket, or engraved in stone in your mind. Everyone has that moment that means the world to them. I know I did, and when it's snatched out of your very hands, the world doesn't stop-- it ends. I had the photograph that meant the world to me, because it was all that traced to my previous life, my backwards life, me.


  1. Wow that's really good. I want to know what happened to her. Not really sure where exactly you should go with this. I am wondering who was in the picture though...

  2. Are you trying to make it be like something in her previous life? Like reincarnation?

  3. Make it sad and meaningful, but kind of delicate. You're one of the only people I know that can do that. Just make it sad, yet beautiful

  4. hmm...If i were you I would make something creepy/sad/scary (possibly death?)and then she has that 'photograph' in her head forever? just a thought.

  5. Ha! I love it! You would think of something like that... :)
