She stares at
you. Her icy, lonely glare penetrates
through you. Shuddering you are;
realizing you feel the hand. The hand that creeps up your spine, freezing you
over, isolating you to the dark side. It kills you, although somehow you manage
to maintain eye contact. Somehow it is possible. Possible for you to win, be
victorious in the battle...although you know it is not so.
Yet, finally the
storm washes over, the stare has withdrawn, the hand has vanished.
So it seems.
You can't bear to
stand the truth. But, you know deep down,
That although you
are out at sea and the violent waves have subsided, there has been destruction
on the shore you fail to see. Although the stare seemingly disintegrated, the
hearts of stone remain. Although you feel the hand has gone, the cold had managed
to work its way into your soul.
Although you may say
you are good, she knows that she has won the fight-- she is not lonely anymore.
It was kind of confusing, but a good confusing, because it's very advanced and I love that about all your writing. There are so many ways to interpret your pieces. They are all very unique and mysterious; they definitely fit your personality. You're an incredible writer!