
“It's a lot easier to be lost than found. It's the reason we're always searching and rarely discovered--so many locks not enough keys.”
-Sarah Dessen

"Happiness doesn't come from doing what you like, but rather, loving what you do."
-Becca & Scott (JC & AC)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Come Home OneRepublic

Author's Note: This is a song analysis of the piece "Come Home" by OneRepublic. Enjoy!
Hello world, hope you're listening-- The artist is awakening the world,  preparing to show us beauty.Forgive me if I’m young or speaking out of turnBut there’s someone I've been missing-- Suggests that he is searching for someone-- something. He is searching for freedom in this war.And I think that they could be the better half of me-- He wants a free person, a free him, not someone who is told what to do, wear, be. He is nothing without a free soul.They’re in the wrong place tryin' to make it right-- Implies that other soldiers, fighters are "in the wrong place" (across seas, away from their loved ones) and they are trying to "make it right" (killing souls for souls) but...But I'm tired of justifying-- He is done repeating himself, done telling others that you shouldn't have to kill other souls for you in return to receive your own. The war shouldn't be fighter to fighter.
So I say to you, come home, come home-- Not begging to the soldiers, but rather, a plea to freedom to come home.'Cause I’ve been waiting for ya for so long, for so long-- A realization that this soldier hasn't been waiting for this war to end, He has been waiting for liberty.And right now there's a war between the vanities-- Refers to the competition between excessive pride.But all I see is you and me-- When the artist looks in the mirror, he can only envision himself as a free man and nothing otherwise.And the fight for you is all I've ever known-- All he has in life, all he wants, is his liberty, and he puts all energy into it. The fight is all he has ever known.So come home
I get lost in the beauty of everything I see-- This guy has feelings that are the opposite of the rest of the world's. We are obsessed with material items, but he sees beauty in life.The world ain’t half as bad as they paint it to be-- I thought of women in particular when reading this line-- Americans are the only country to shave our legs, we wear cakes of make-up to cover our inner beauty, we look to superstars for inspiration, we spend half of our time on the scale deciding if we should or shouldn't eat that cupcake, we strive for perfection, when in reality, we already have it. We paint a beautiful world with flaws and problems.If all the sons and all the daughters stop to take it in-- No matter what color, no matter what religion, no matter what size, all of the sons and daughters of God, everyone, will see the beauty of the world as this guy sees it.Well hopefully the hate subsides and the love can begin-- 
It might start now, yeahOr maybe I'm just dreaming out loud-- Isn't it sad that this person doesn't think that hate can subside and love can begin easily? He knows it will be tough, maybe even far from possible for the world to love.
But until then...Come home, come home'Cause I’ve been waiting for ya for so long, for so longut until then come home, come homeAnd right now there's a war between the vanitiesBut all I see is you and meAnd the fight for you is all I've ever known, ever knownSo come home, ooh
Everything I can’t be is everything you should be-- The audience changes from speaking to freedom itself to the citizens and the world he is trying to gain freedom for. If this guy is fighting in the war, he will probably never be free (he is taking the risk of death). He is fighting so that others in the country, others in next generations, will be free. Everything he can't be-- free-- is everything you should be-- free.And that’s why I need you here-- Now the artist narrows down the audience to specifically men and anyone willing to risk there life as this man is. He needs you here.Everything I can’t be is everything you should beAnd that’s why I need you here
So I say to you, come home, come home-- Not begging to the soldiers, but rather, a plea to freedom to come home.'Cause I’ve been waiting for ya for so long, for so long-- A realization that this soldier hasn't been waiting for this war to end, He has been waiting for liberty.And right now there's a war between the vanities-- Refers to the competition between excessive pride.But all I see is you and me-- When the artist looks in the mirror, he can only envision himself as a free man and nothing otherwise.And the fight for you is all I've ever known-- All he has in life, all he wants, is his liberty, and he puts all energy into it. The fight is all he has ever known.So come home, come home--  A last whisper in the night, the final plea-- come home.

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