
“It's a lot easier to be lost than found. It's the reason we're always searching and rarely discovered--so many locks not enough keys.”
-Sarah Dessen

"Happiness doesn't come from doing what you like, but rather, loving what you do."
-Becca & Scott (JC & AC)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

What Used to be Me

When you doubted me,
I wept in sorrow and discouragement.
Yet only building up my hope,
To prove you wrong.
Confidence shining through,
The hidden side.
Showing what really is,
When you just watched,
The world turning, changing around you.
Not caring the least as I lead the world out,
Now you are lost.
I am the only one to show you the way,
But I cannot after, you.
So you left,
When my world came crashing down,
Only ruins were left at my feet.
Tumbling away into the dark,
The nothingness.
All that was felt was pain,
Just coming back for more.
Destroying what used to be,

 And although I have saved others from their lives,
No one is repairing mine.
No one can undo what has been done,
And lost.


  1. It flows really well. Your poetry is always so... poetic. I wonder what your happy relationship poetry sounds like... I don't know where you find so much sad and angry emotion, but it works really well. It feels really deep, like there is more than one meaning behind it.

  2. All your sad poems are making me...sad. I have a request/challenge for you -- write a happy poem!

  3. Heartfelt, touching, and a lot of your work, but that's a really good thing. It's so original and so you. You always take those emotions inside of you and turn them into something everyone will enjoy. Incredible!
