
“It's a lot easier to be lost than found. It's the reason we're always searching and rarely discovered--so many locks not enough keys.”
-Sarah Dessen

"Happiness doesn't come from doing what you like, but rather, loving what you do."
-Becca & Scott (JC & AC)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


If they say that the chain is only as strong as the weakest link, why do we make weak links even weaker? Aren’t we just hurting our chain, ourselves, by putting down those who are weaker than us? What if we took the initiative to make these weak links stronger—bring them to the strength that we pursue. Think of all we could do then. Just think. Our chain is only as strong as our weakest link. But… what if there were no weak links? What if… we all worked together as one—as a chain would—and all be strong? What if?

Why do we play life like it is a game? A chessboard.. there is a queen, a king, some knights… and there are pawns. We aren’t afraid to sacrifice those little guys. They are in the front row, taking the blows of the other team...of you… but, yet, they are protecting you. Don’t you understand? These pawns want so badly to be a part of that royal kingdom that really isn’t so royal on the inside. We hurt them so much that they fly off of the board. We are left with just our royal family. And our revenge.
Whatever you want to call it, we are left with evil. How would we vent out these foul thoughts? We take it out on the back row. The precious ones. We would fight and fight until the others have been injured, and pretty soon, the only one left standing on one lonesome square. Is. You.  And what is worse than this-- being alone? Fighting alone. Left to defend yourself against the other team. Against your team. When, in reality, you always needed these pawns as much as they need you. Because, you aren’t bringing down individual links of this chain. No, you will never. You are bringing down yourself.

Life is a Broadway show. You will always have those people cheering you on in the audience, so far away… so far beneath you. They are the ones that don’t really care for you—they just like watching you from below with hopes that they could one day stand where you do. You will always have those people cheering you on from backstage… so close… yet, they aren’t on stage until scene twelve. They support you—they care… yet, not enough for you to call them a friend. You will always have those people cheering you on from the dressing rooms… yet, they cannot see your beautiful face. These people truly do wish that they could see your big debut, but, how could they, when they have something more important to do. The attention, of course, comes only if you are the star. The adoring crowd will roar, clap, and cheer your name as you exit stage with an armful of flowers, but there will always be the person left to sweep up the petals.  A person who would be willing to pick up your leftover drops of gratitude. A person whose collection would gradually grow, and grow, until they have enough petals to be the blossoms of hundreds of roses. A person who would have thousands of petals, but not one stem to piece the petals together.

And when we hear of more cuts to the wrist, more medication to the brain, more wounds to the body—to the soul, we just blow it off.
“Oh, we knew they were that kind of person.”
“No one likes them anyway.”
“Everyone already knows.”
Words like these blur our thoughts. We know, inside, that we need to help—bring this person roses, for once, instead of just petals.  But… wouldn’t that bring our chain down? If we betray our words-- the “I won’t” that once followed the desperate words “please…don’t tell anyone,” we would bring our chain down. If we let them be, it would bring our chain down. Falling… falling  to the ground under the weight of everyone else. Ask yourself… would you be willing to free fall for our chain to come back stronger?

Because, after all, our chain is only as strong as our weakest link. 

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