
“It's a lot easier to be lost than found. It's the reason we're always searching and rarely discovered--so many locks not enough keys.”
-Sarah Dessen

"Happiness doesn't come from doing what you like, but rather, loving what you do."
-Becca & Scott (JC & AC)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Try an Apple for Valentine's Day...

       More than 35 million heart-shaped chocolate boxes were sold on Valentine’s Day last year. Over 35 million people, then, were supposedly shown signs of affection. Key word there: Supposedly. Have you ever realized how pointless the point of chocolates given on Valentine’s Day really is? Basically, you’re saying “Hey! I love you! That’s why I am going to find you the cheapest chocolate I can get my hands on (most likely from Wal-Mart,) sit here with you, and watch you put on the pounds by the moment.” Yeah. Love you too. All in all, chocolates for Valentine’s Day equal pain (whether it is on your part or on theirs,) and a regret-filled holiday.
            First of all, chocolates aren’t that all healthy for you. When I say unhealthy, I am not talking about eating two servings of potato chips instead of the recommended one, I’m talking, by eating two chocolates, you are putting 7 teaspoons of sugar into your body. Multiply that by, say, eight to find the amount of sugar you consume by eating that entire box of chocolates; 56 teaspoons of sugar. You really would be safer getting that questionable look from your loved one when you give them a bag of carrots, instead of listening to them complain about feeling bloated, or hearing them whine about how their favorite Hollister jeans don’t fit anymore. I mean come on people; buying a box of chocolates may leave you in endless hours of drudgery and regret.
            Not only are chocolates somewhat unhealthy, they are a complete waste of time and money. For example, the caramel filling in these chocolates—simply takes an extra 5 minutes to fill the candies with caramel, and you pay an additional 5 bucks! The shiny ribbon on that wonderfully wrapped package costs close to 25 cents while you pay around two dollars to have that bow that really isn’t necessary on your box of chocolate. These are just two examples to show how much of a rip-off heart shaped chocolates are.
            To be honest, chocolate candies for Valentine’s Day is extremely overrated and kind of stupid, as you might just be spending your holiday listening to whining and complaining all-the-while with an empty wallet. So, show your love you care and get them an apple this Valentine’s day, opposed to a heart-shaped box of chocolates.