
“It's a lot easier to be lost than found. It's the reason we're always searching and rarely discovered--so many locks not enough keys.”
-Sarah Dessen

"Happiness doesn't come from doing what you like, but rather, loving what you do."
-Becca & Scott (JC & AC)

Monday, June 10, 2013


Everyone here is in shock. The few that are left, are grieving. Others, solemn.  It seems, that instead of thinking, why them, everyone is thinking, why me? No one wants to be left on this planet. No one except… me.

They do not seem to understand that, here, every time they look into the distance with mourning, was every time I was looking into the distance with hope, there. The past, is past. They do not seem to understand that, we do not know each other. We can be anyone and everyone we want to be. They do not seem to understand that this is a new page. A new beginning for humanity. They do not seem to understand that this… is… it. Or, maybe, they do understand. Maybe, they just can’t face reality. Maybe, they can’t face the future. Maybe, they can’t face themselves. Or, maybe, they just do not seem.

Seeming… it is a funny thing. It is a funny thing that toys with my mind—plays with my heart. If everything seemed… well, nothing would be quite what it would be, now would it? Nothing would be quite what it would be. If only everything seemed.

The clock on the floor would not seem to be ticking.

The regrets of my life would not seem to be hurting.

The  breath of my soul would not seem to be succumbing to the darkness.